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So far joellyk has created 73 blog entries.

If you’re a director and your company owns a business property you may be better off owning it yourself

  If you run a business from a property that you own there are tax benefits in transferring the building’s ownership from the business, over to you as an individual. You can also transfer it from your company to one or more owners. Here’s how it works To explain how this works we’ll use the [...]

If you’re a director and your company owns a business property you may be better off owning it yourself 2016-04-15T17:20:42+01:00

Will new accounting rules affect your director’s dividend?

If you are a company director one way that you’re likely to reward your contribution to the business is by paying yourself an annual dividend. New accounting rules (which came into effect in January 2015) now require companies to show more detail in their annual accounts and this change could make it harder for directors [...]

Will new accounting rules affect your director’s dividend? 2016-04-15T16:55:04+01:00

Budget Update

At Aspirations we are always looking for ways to help you to save tax and if you are in receipt of dividends, either from your company or from a share portfolio then the new dividend tax will be of special interest to you. Why not ask us to review your tax position on the dividends you receive and see if we can help you to save tax?

Budget Update 2016-03-17T10:57:45+00:00

Reverse Seminar with KMS

Through our reverse seminars our team are able to meet up with our clients and learn about a diverse range of businesses that operate in the Rochester and Medway area. It is always exciting for us to get to know more about these businesses and how they have developed and what challenges they have overcome [...]

Reverse Seminar with KMS 2015-12-11T13:48:59+00:00

Reverse Seminar with Arc Creative Solutions

Our reverse seminars are a chance for us to get to know our clients better and to understand how we can help them in their business goals and plans. Recently we were delighted to welcome Jason from Arc Creative Solutions into the office.  A  design agency with three core values at the heart of what [...]

Reverse Seminar with Arc Creative Solutions 2015-12-11T13:46:08+00:00