Apportionment and duality

When deciding whether an expense is allowed or disallowed it is important to consider that the expenditure must be incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of your trade or

Apportionment and duality

Private residence relief

There is usually no Capital Gains Tax (CGT) to be paid when you sell your main family residence (referred to by HMRC as private residence relief) that has been used as your only or

Private residence relief

Pre-trading expenditure

There are special tax reliefs for pre-trading expenses that are incurred before a business starts trading. These could include expenses that are required to help a business prepare

Pre-trading expenditure

Cash basis for landlords

The cash basis scheme helps sole traders and other unincorporated businesses benefit from a simpler way of managing their financial affairs. Landlords can use the cash basis when

Cash basis for landlords

Tax when you sell an asset

There are special rules that must be followed when you sell an asset on which capital allowances have been claimed. Capital allowances is the term used to describe the tax relief

Tax when you sell an asset